Heavy Equipment

In addition to our more than 100 offsite auctions each year, we conduct 6 annual heavy equipment auctions at our facility in Marysville, WA.

- JGM’s marketing team markets each piece of heavy equipment individually, including, but not limited to, by targeting industry specific buyers for your unique piece of heavy equipment.  JGM also advertises its heavy equipment auctions in printed and online publications distributed worldwide.
- On average, JGM has over 2,500 registered bidders for our online heavy equipment auctions at our Marysville, WA facility.
- JGM displays each piece of heavy equipment up for auction in its online catalog.  JGM’s online catalog includes 20 plus up-close pictures of each piece of heavy equipment up for auction.  JGM’s extensive and detailed catalog enables buyers to have an up-close preview of an item without leaving their home or office.
- Choosing a JGM auction provides a simple, end-to-end solution and a more competitive selling atmosphere. On-site previews allow bidders at our Marysville, WA facility to inspect each item.  


"...I was amazed at how realistic your predictions were regarding auction results. In market conditions like they are I was not sure what to expect. Although as a seller we may never be happy with the number, you called it like you saw it. I do appreciate that.  Your staff is amazing. They handled the details with great care and had the knowledge to process even the items that had strings attached.  Again, Thank you! You made the decision to downsize a bit more tolerable than I thought possible."
- Tom Walrath Jr.,  Walrath Trucking